Friday, June 20, 2014

June 20. 1014 - Friday

For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come toward the light, so that his works might not be exposed.  (John 3:20 NABRE)

Uh-oh!  It was inevitable!  Here comes the guilt!  These words of Jesus never fail to cut right through me.  I'm simply not able to read them without becoming so aware of my own misdeeds that I could almost forget I've done a little good along the way too.

If you read between the lines, you can see that Jesus is explaining the most fundamental reason we resist God's call.  We turn away from him because he is light.  And light exposes the bad deeds and intentions of our hearts.  So everyone resists the light, because everyone has this same problem.

The good news is that in the next breath, Jesus tells us that, "whoever lives the truth comes to the light."  So, the fix for our lives is equally simple at its core.  Everyone who does what is true and good and right comes out into the light so others can see that what they have done is from God.

(This next part is frightening, but it works!)   I challenge you to take some time today to meditate on this verse (just read it a couple of times in a quiet moment and be still...nothing fancy).  Ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart to the light so that you will see your worst deed or thought as Jesus would see it.  (I know, this is uncomfortable to do, but once you've done this much--and it only really takes a few seconds, you're almost there!)  Then, determine to change this one thing by constant prayer--confident that by placing it in God's hands and not your own power, he will hear your prayer and help you toward the light.

In addition to prayer, we've also got the sacrament of Confession and the invitation to fast.  These three--and perhaps a little patience to allow God his own timetable--give us the path back toward the light.  For all who believe in Jesus, it really is that simple.

Today, I will thank God for this path back toward the light, and begin again on my next step! 

Saint Joseph, husband of Mary, patron of husbands and workers, pray for us.
Saint Rita, patron of parenthood, pray for us.
Saint Peregrine, patron of cancer patients, pray for us.

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