Sunday, May 15, 2016

May 15, 2016 - Sunday

For those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.
For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received a spirit of adoption, through which we cry, “Abba, Father!”
The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,
and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if only we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him. (Romans 8:14-17 NABRE)

Can you recall the times in your own life when the Spirit of God--whom you received as "counselor, consoler, advocate, and friend"* --was present to you in tangible ways?

When I reflect on the person of the Holy Spirit and consider that he resides within me all the time, I begin to open myself to the times he is more apparent to me. When I consider he has been with me all my life, I start to recognize he regularly counselled me during times of confusion and decision, he consoled me during times of loss, he (no doubt) advocated for me during times of disobedience, and he routinely befriended me during times of loneliness.

Holy Spirit, thank you for your companionship through all the years of my life. Thank you for the many gifts you have given to me, especially, recently, the gift of fortitude--through which I am learning to be increasingly able to be unwavering "in doing what is right and good in the face of obstacles and trials."* 

Holy Spirit, I remember your presence as a very young boy of about seven when I was asked if I'd like to have a new Daddy, how you prompted me even then to smile and say yes.

Holy Spirit, I remember your presence as a child of about twelve when I knew with certainty that I was becoming a music minister in your Church, how you sat with me as I auditioned after Mass and was welcomed into the music ministry for the first time.

Holy Spirit, I remember your presence as a young man of about twenty two when I was discerning my life's vocation, in the face of great unknowns, how your gift of counsel led me with perfect confidence and peace into the adult life of witness I now have.

Holy Spirit, I remember your presence at the births of my children, when I perhaps first needed your gift of wisdom and the way your wisdom makes it possible for each of us to see things from a divine perspective, how you showed me the perfect joy which life is.

Holy Spirit, I remember your presence as I said a final goodbye to each of my parents, when I was most lost and desperate, how you propped up my spirit and led me, not just through that time of desperate pain, but also through the following days of decision making, leadership, and grief which all tried me to my end.

Holy Spirit, I remember your presence at the marriages of my children, when I was baffled by so many emotions at once, how you calmed my spirit with the joy and peace that you are with them too.

Holy Spirit, I remember your presence in the person of my young grandson, when I look at his already-strong spirit, certain that you are already filling him with your gifts.

Holy Spirit, I remember your holy presence each day, as I witness my beautiful wife and selfless daughter guide so many others through life's stages, through the many challenges of youth, adulthood, and old age, how you remind me that it is our greatest gift to be able to answer your call to be disciples of a new Pentecost in our time.

And Holy Spirit, I remember your presence each day, as I watch our other children--our strong and loving son and our two amazing children by marriage, when I see them following their paths of purpose, seeking meaning in a world that seems to drain meaning and substance from so many of our pursuits, how you make yourself available to them in all that they encounter.

Today, I will pray for all who have entered into the vocation of marriage, especially those who celebrate anniversaries this month, that they are renewed in their love for each other by the power of your Spirit in them.

Saint Isidore the Farmer, patron of farmers and laborers, pray for us.

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