Saturday, September 10, 2016

September 10, 2016 - Saturday

How can I repay the LORD
for all the great good done for me?
I will raise the cup of salvation
and call on the name of the LORD. (Psalm 116:12-13 NABRE)

Today is a great day to sit with this verse. Without describing context or subtle nuance of meaning. Let's spend our few minutes today thankful to the Lord for the good he has done for us. And let us make a real gesture, something out of the ordinary, as a sign of our gratitude.

Today, I will thank the Lord for all he has done for me.

Saint Thomas of Villanova, whose life reminds us to pay attention to how we look to Christ rather than to other people, pray for us.

There are just 4 days remaining in this shared prayer journey of ours. Please continue to join your prayers with mine here, for a daily minute of reflection. As Jesus said, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20) Though we gather together online, may our joining here reflect our deep desire to have Jesus in our midst.

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