Wednesday, November 11, 2015

November 11, 2015 - Wednesday

Rejoice always.
Pray without ceasing.
In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NABRE)

How beautiful to see these directives given side-by-side! In context they are instructions from Saint Paul on how to live together as Church. In the same way, this brief passage reminds us how to live as a community of believers, so others will recognize us by how we treat one another.

Rejoice. Live in a state of joyfulness. And be this way always. Not just some of the time. The implications are clear: Joy does not require happiness, contentment, or comfort. Joy is not limited by emotions or experience. Joy can be chosen. Decide to rejoice right now!

Pray. All the time. Share all your moments with the Lord. Not just some of them. Prayer is the secret key to a strong relationship with God, and it is our only source of true joy, wisdom, and peace. What are you experiencing right now, as you read this? Share it with God. Listen for a whispered response. Don't be surprised by a loud one either (sometimes that happens)! Acknowledge and welcome what comes back, and admire the variety of ways God speaks to you!

Give Thanks. Regardless of your circumstances. Begin now, in this moment, by thanking the Lord for it, for the breath you just took, for the eyes you just used to read this, and for all the other gifts this place in time contains.

Today, I will praise Jesus without ceasing and give thanks in all my circumstances.

Saint Martin of Tours, patron of soldiers, pray for us.

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