Thursday, November 5, 2015

November 5, 2015 - Thursday

Why then do you judge your brother? Or you, why do you look down on your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God. (Romans 14:10 NABRE)

God welcomes all of us, not just people I understand or with whom I agree. He welcomes us all. We each walk a different path to God and it is not for me to have an opinion on anyone else's walk.

Lord God, Saint Paul reminds me to avoid judging others, especially fellow believers. Help me instead to support others, to encourage peace, and to be aware of the joy you place in my heart. Instead of thinking myself better than anyone, let me think of myself as least in any group. Instead of clawing for more, let me renounce the claim that my possessions have on me. I ask so that these changes will turn me toward you, my Lord. May I consider only my own shortcomings and with your patient help change them.

Today, I will consider my thoughts and my words regarding others so that I might not fall into the trap of judging them.

Venerable Solanus Casey, Wisconsin-born priest who lived until 1957 and who knew that pure love of God and one’s fellowmen as children of God are in the final event all that matter, pray for us.

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