Thursday, November 26, 2015

November 26, 2015 - Thursday

Then King Darius wrote to the nations and peoples of every language, wherever they dwell on the earth: “May your peace abound!
I decree that throughout my royal domain the God of Daniel is to be reverenced and feared:
“For he is the living God, enduring forever,
whose kingdom shall not be destroyed,
whose dominion shall be without end. (Daniel 6:27-28 NABRE)

In an unlikely outcome, Daniel survived being thrown into a pit of hungry lions because God intervened directly. God sent angels to close the mouths of the lions. Today's passage takes place the following day, after King Darius, who liked Daniel but was forced to sentence him to this fate, came to see how Daniel had fared. Darius was grateful to have found Daniel alive.

The book of Daniel contains traditional stories which tell of the trials and triumphs of the wise Daniel and his three companions. The moral is that people of faith can resist temptation and conquer adversity. The persecuted Jews of the second century B.C. would quickly see the application of these stories to their own plight.*

Lord God, your power changed king Darius, a man with the authority and visibility to impact others. His decree that everyone throughout his domain shall reverence and fear you is a powerful evangelizing statement! He calls everyone with whom he has influence to recognize your great power, instructing them to show you complete respect. This leader sees that you are the living God who endures forever. Lord, thank you for intervening directly in my life. Please continue to share your Spirit with me so that I might, even in small ways, tell everyone I can about your power and your promise, and encourage all with whom I have influence to be respectful to you who deserves all our reverence.

Today, I will be thankful for the many blessings in my life, especially my faith and my family.

Saint Columban, Irish monk whose concern about chastity, austerity, and discipline challenge us even today, pray for us.

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