Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9, 2015 - Monday

God is our refuge and our strength,
an ever-present help in distress.
Thus we do not fear, though earth be shaken
and mountains quake to the depths of the sea,
Though its waters rage and foam
and mountains totter at its surging. (Psalm 46:2-4 NABRE)

Earth shaking, tottering mountains quaking into the sea, ocean waters raging and foaming: These were figurative language used in the ancient Near East to describe social and political upheavals.* And suddenly it makes more sense and feels a bit more relevant.

When we are in the midst of social and political upheaval, we look to God for protection, strength and help. We are confident that he is ever-present. We do not fear.

Lord my God, like the psalmist, I live in a time of frightening and constant social and political upheaval. Now is a time when we, as a global society, too often compromise our humanity, neglecting the dignity of people most in need and forgetting our common bond of interdependence and fragility. Please forgive our failures as we seek to overcome our inability to change. Show us your mercy as we struggle against indifference, cruelty, anger, bitterness, and self-righteousness. 

Lord God, I ask that you help me, by your Spirit, to recognize my own false beliefs, misperceptions, and destructive attitudes. Lead me, by that same Spirit, to replace these evils with wisdom, discernment based on your will, and compassion for each of your creatures.

Today, on this Dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome, I will lean on God who protects, strengthens, and helps me.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas, pray for us.

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