Wednesday, December 16, 2015

December 16, 2015 - Wednesday

Love and truth will meet;
justice and peace will kiss.
Truth will spring from the earth;
justice will look down from heaven. (Psalm 85:11-12 NABRE)

In today's passage, divine activity is personified as pairs of virtues.* Written at a time when encouragement was needed, these words turn us to a time when God will act on behalf of his faithful people. And when God acts, look at what is produced! Love and truth, justice and peace.

Lord, even when I am not grateful, share your love with me. Even when I am dishonest with you, with others, and with myself, share your truth with me. Even when I lack compassion and generosity, share your justice with me. And when I am anxious, share your peace with me. Lord, I ask these things not just for myself, but so that I might be changed. I ask for these graces so that I will shine a small bit of your light into my world.

Today, I will look for indications that the Holy Spirit of God is working in my day, and I will look for ways to share God's love, truth, justice, and peace with someone else.

Blessed Honoratus Kozminski, who is a powerful example to us to obey the teachings of the Church willingly and gladly, placing our gifts at the service of the Good News of Jesus Christ, pray for us.

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