Friday, December 4, 2015

December 4, 2015 - Friday

Wait for the LORD, take courage;
be stouthearted, wait for the LORD! (Psalm 27:14 NABRE)

During this time of Advent, we wait. We prepare for the coming of the Lord. We remember his promises. God, whose only son walked this earth with us as a man, and whose Spirit is with us even now at this moment, has a plan for each one of us. And it takes courage sometimes to trust him to protect us as we venture out in the world to live out his plan. We are called to be people of courage in in the face of the enemy. We are called to rely on God's power when the battle overwhelms our own abilities.

Lord, help me to wait and to prepare for your return. Give me the courage and endurance to carry on during this time of Advent and during this life of mine. Come, Lord Jesus. Come quickly! And in the meantime, keep your Spirit alive in my heart. Lead me to action when action is called for. Lead me to patience when action should be held back.

Today, I will endure the challenges that confront me with courage, confident in the Lord's protection.

Saint John Damascene, whose holiness expressed itself in putting his literary and preaching talents at the service of the Lord, pray for us.

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