Saturday, December 5, 2015

December 5, 2015 - Saturday

As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ (Matthew 10:7 NABRE)

After some time of instruction, Jesus commissioned the twelve disciples to go out and preach and cure the sick. He told them to make the proclamation in today's verse. It echos his own words (see Matthew 4:17) and those of John the Baptist before him (see Matthew 3:2). John the Baptist called for a change of heart and conduct, a turning of one’s life from rebellion to obedience towards God.*

The phrasing, "the kingdom of heaven is at hand" loses some of it's impact today unless we realize that heaven (lit., “the heavens”) is a substitute for the name “God” that was avoided by devout Jews of the time out of reverence. So, it is a particularly powerful statement made during the life of Jesus.*

There was no season of Advent during Jesus' life on earth. There was no need for it. He was here! Advent is a time of waiting and preparation for Jesus during which we recall his incarnation as a baby in Bethlehem, the beginning of those few decades when he lived among us as a man. During Advent, we also look forward to his return, his second coming, which we call the parousia.

Today, I will reflect on the importance of Advent and how grateful I am for this time to remember Jesus has already lived among us and that he will return.

Saint Sabas, who stands as a model of patient generosity for anyone whose time and energy are required by others, pray for us.

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