Sunday, July 10, 2016

July 10, 2016 - Sunday

But here I am miserable and in pain;
let your saving help protect me, God,
That I may praise God’s name in song
and glorify it with thanksgiving. (Psalm 69:30-31 NABRE)

How perfectly these words sum up our struggles in this life! In the most general terms, David links our personal suffering--whatever it is--to God's help. In his song (Psalm 69:33-35), he reminds us that God hears and answers all those in need. And he always turns us to praise and thanksgiving. May we begin with these, confident that God knows and responds to our every need.

Today, I will thank God for each moment.

Saint Veronica Jiuliani, whose desire to be like Christ crucified was answered with the stigmata, pray for us.

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