Wednesday, July 6, 2016

July 6, 2016 - Wednesday

Then he summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits to drive them out and to cure every disease and every illness. (Matthew 10:1 NABRE)

Jesus drew his followers into his mission. He sent them to proclaim the arrival of God's kingdom.

Today's passage is from a section of Matthew's gospel which deals with the mission now to be undertaken by the disciples, but the perspective broadens and includes the missionary activity of the church during our own times.*

Matthew has no story of Jesus’ choosing the Twelve, he assumes that the group is known to the reader. The number probably is meant to recall the twelve tribes of Israel and implies Jesus’ authority to call all Israel into the kingdom.*

Lord Jesus, you sent out your disciples to the people of Israel to call them back to relationship with you. In the same manner you sent out your apostle Paul to the gentiles to proclaim your good news. And today, you send out those of us who follow you to all the people we encounter, to continue sharing the promises of hope and enternal life with you. Help me, by your Spirit, to do this with my days and to remain focused on this purpose throughout my life.

Today, I will pray for those who have lost their sense of God's presence in their lives.

Saint Maria Goretti, patron of Catholic youth, teenagers, girls, and youth, pray for us.

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