Thursday, July 21, 2016

July 21, 2016 - Thursday

How precious is your mercy, O God! (Psalm 36:8 NABRE)

When you look at someone, what do you see? What do you look for? I imagine that when God looks at us, he sees far more than we do. I imagine that is because, in part, he looks for more than we do.

Jesus said, "whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40) In other words, he reminds us that when we serve the needs of those who suffer, we minister to the Lord himself.*

God sees the divine in each of us. He recognizes his own. Shouldn't we strive to do the same? Let's look at each other differently. Let's see Christ in each other. Let's use the spiritual lens God offers us to see with perfect clarity the value and dignity and purpose of each person we encounter today. For it is in this way we come to see the invisible. It is in this way we begin to grasp the unfathomable. And it is only in this way we can begin to share in the giving and receiving of God's precious mercy.

Let us see Jesus in each other.

Today, I will pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.

Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, who had a constant devotion to Scripture coupled with great sensitivity to the needs of people, pray for us.

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