Thursday, February 12, 2015

February 12. 2015 - Thursday

Praise the God of heaven,
for his mercy endures forever. (Psalm 136:26 NABRE)

It is National Marriage Week 2015. In celebration, today is Day Five of our virtual Marriage Retreat with Pope Francis. Today's theme is Three Pillars Of The Spousal Relationship. Here is an excerpt:
At Mass in Casa Santa Marta with Fifteen Married Couples on June 11, 2014, Pope Frances taught that “Faithfulness, perseverance, and fruitfulness are the three pillars of Christ’s love for His bride, the Church – three characteristics that are also at the heart of Christian marriage.”
When constructing a building, a blueprint is essential. When getting married, a bride and groom find the “blueprint” for their marriage in Jesus Christ. Looking at Jesus, husbands and wives see the “pillars” of their marital home, as Pope Francis so aptly described. Christ’s love is faithful: he will never leave or forsake his beloved, the Church. Christ’s love perseveres: he told his disciples, “I am with you always, until the end of the age” (Mt 28:20). Christ’s love is fruitful: “Whoever remains in me…will bear much fruit” (Jn 15:5). Fidelity, perseverance, and fruitfulness are the “pillars” that hold up the marital home, making it a place of peace and joy for all its members.* 

Today, I will pray with gratitude to the Lord for his faithfulness, perseverance, and fruitfulness and the chance to express these in my own marriage.

Saint Buonfiglio Monaldo, inspired to take up a life of solitude and prayer, pray for us.

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