Tuesday, February 17, 2015

February 17, 2015 - Tuesday

When the LORD saw how great the wickedness of human beings was on earth, and how every desire that their heart conceived was always nothing but evil,
the LORD regretted making human beings on the earth, and his heart was grieved. (Genesis 6:5 NABRE)

God understands regret! It's easy to forget he experiences difficult things. When I feel regret, it can be so isolating. If I could just recall at such times that I'm not alone, that God understands the deep sting of regret, sorrow and loss, I might also recall the hope that follows.

Despite his grief, God did not wipe out all human beings from the earth because he found one man who was good, Noah.

Lord, please be with me in times of difficulty. Send me one good person in moments when I feel like I'm losing faith. Remind me that you understand my suffering, and that you still desire that I remain hopeful, faithful and loving. Let my trials bring me closer to you, rather than further from you. Help me to recognize your presence in every situation.

Today, I will look to the Spirit of God within me to lead me through each difficult moment.

Seven Founders of the Servite Order, whose aim was to lead a life of penance and prayer, pray for us.

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