Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 1, 2015 - Sunday

Come, let us sing joyfully to the LORD;
cry out to the rock of our salvation.
Let us come before him with a song of praise,
joyfully sing out our psalms.
For the LORD is the great God,
the great king over all gods,
Whose hand holds the depths of the earth;
who owns the tops of the mountains.
The sea and dry land belong to God,
who made them, formed them by hand. (Psalm 95:1-5 NABRE)

Today, let's reflect with awe on the scope and scale of God's creation. What is great to us--mountains, the sea, all the dry lands of the earth, and even it's depths--are like tiny things to God. Our earth is just a small planet near a small star in an enormous galaxy in a seemingly endless universe.

Lord, thank you for this creation. Thank you for creating us, at least in our finite way, in your image. Thank you for our gift of awareness and knowledge so that we might grasp enough of your greatness to reflect with awe on your immortal perfection. And thank you for the gift of humility, so that we might not compare ourselves with you, but instead turn to you with our songs of joy!

Today, I will pray for all who sing joyfully to the Lord.

Saint Brigid of Kildare, patron of dairy workers, Ireland (along with Patrick and Columba), nuns and scholars, pray for us.

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