Saturday, April 16, 2016

April 16, 2016 - Saturday

It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh is of no avail. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life. (John 6:63 NABRE)

Words of Jesus spoken in the synagogue at Capernaum.

Even as he walked among men teaching and performing miracles, Jesus knew many did not believe what he was telling them. Many of his disciples--other than the twelve--who came to listen, left and returned to their old way of life. They could not believe that Jesus, this man before them, was, as Simon Peter, put it, the Holy One of God.

To be totally honest, I think I would have been like one of the crowd who left. In those days, I wonder if I even would have believed Jesus. His confusing and challenging words might have intrigued me, his many signs and wonders--especially if I had witnessed one personally--might have swayed me, but his expectation that I change and his explanations of eating his flesh and talk of some other-worldly spirit would have probably sent me packing.

And so, what's changed? Jesus has risen from the dead! This one impossible event--witnessed by many, along with his signs and wonders, in addition to his teachings that have been passed down to us today and which explain his role in salvation history all come together as trustworthy. Faith worthy. Action worthy. Truth.

Today, I will remember the Spirit and look beyond things of this world for what is most important.

Saint Bernadette Soubrious, who moved through life, guided only by blind faith in things you did not understand—as we all must do from time to time, pray for us.

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