Monday, April 18, 2016

April 18, 2016 - Monday

As the deer longs for streams of water,
so my soul longs for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God, the living God.
When can I enter and see the face of God? (Psalm 42:2-3 NABRE)

There is something in each of us that is unsettled and unresolved. It's been observed that this something is our need for God's presence, something we cannot have in this lifetime. Taking this as entirely plausible, the Psalmist captures this longing vividly by comparing it with a deer's need for water. Indeed, our need for water becomes clear quickly when we have to go without it for any length of time.

We crave it. We turn all our energy to finding it. And what is it in us that drives us to this? How do we instinctively seek it out? This urge is not driven by knowledge or understanding. It is a biological imperative.

So to, our desire for God's company. It is not driven by knowledge or understanding; but rather, like the dear who thirsts, our urge to be in God's personal presence is a spiritual imperative.

Today, on this Monday of the Fourth Week of Easter, I will dwell on my own longing for the personal presence of God.

Blessed James Oldo, who used his time to build up treasures in heaven and to build God’s realm on earth, pray for us.


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