Saturday, January 31, 2015

January 31, 2015 - Saturday

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. (John 3:16 NABRE)

There is a moment in the life of everyone who believes in God when they actively choose to believe or not to believe. At some point it seems, we are each confronted with a circumstance that prompts us either to say, "Yes, I will trust God to help me through this situation," or to say, "No, I am all alone in this." Now, it's not always quite that dramatic, but it certainly occurs for anyone who has active faith.

Do you remember your own moment?

Have you had more than one moment like this? I can recall many of them through the years, and I'm not able even to recall the first. I believe it is important that we choose our faith every day.

Lord God, you gave your only son Jesus to me and to all of us. You gave him to us in the incarnation and so we exchange gifts at Christmas. You gave him over to death for us so that he could rise from the dead. And so we celebrate at Easter. You did this so that we who pass through these moments of choice might have eternal life with you. Lord, there is no way I can comprehend the fullness of this gift, but I can decide again today that I will put my faith in you. And I can again say thank you.

Today, I will trust God, who loves us so much, to protect me in this life and lead me back to him in the next.

Saint John Bosco, patron of boys, editors, and youth, pray for us.

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