Monday, July 20, 2015

July 20, 2015 - Monday

The LORD will fight for you; you have only to keep still.(Exodus 14:14 NABRE)

Imagine what it must have been like when Moses led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt! For the first time, people would have begun to dream of possibilities. Tasting freedom, they marched away from their captors and found themselves by the sea with a future that held the promise of living self-directed lives and the hope of prospering in their own land. And then it happened. They saw the entire Egyptian army chasing them, and they were hemmed in by the sea. Imagine what it must have been like.

Lord God, you are the almighty. Thank you for the words of Moses which are so encouraging even today. I know that the enemy pursues me every moment. I know that he seeks the ruin of my soul just as Pharaoh sought the destruction of your people, the Israelites. And so Lord, I ask that you continue to keep your promise, made through Moses, to fight this enemy for me. I remain ill-equipped for this battle and I ask only for your Spirit of peace so that I will keep still as you demonstrate your glory in and through my life. The battle is yours, Lord, and I trust in you.

Today, though I am pursued by the enemy and afraid, I will keep still.

Saint Apollinaris, first-century martyr who reminds us that following Jesus involves risk, pray for us.

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