Saturday, July 4, 2015

July 4, 2015 - Saturday

My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. (John 10:27 NABRE)

I'm not a shepherd and I know nothing about sheep herding, But I do know some people well enough that I recognize their voice immediately. To recognize someone's voice, you need to have established a relationship with that person. You need to have spent time with them, enough time to gain familiarity with their unique way of speaking.

When we spend time with the Lord in prayer, we begin to recognize his "voice" as he "speaks" to us. While it's not popular to say such things--and in fact I've heard good people publicly teased about it, there are certainly many ways God speaks to us when we seek him first. When we turn to him in prayer, it is not a one-way recitation of memorized words. Real prayer is as authentic as two old friends sitting and laughing together after not seeing each other for a while. Real prayer begins when we open our hearts to the prompting of God's Spirit within us. Real prayer often involves more listening than we are comfortable with. Real prayer lives most fully when we create time for it each day.

Today, I will listen for the voice of my shepherd so that I will be able to follow him.

Saint Elizabeth of Portugal, peacemaker, pray for us.

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