Sunday, July 5, 2015

July 5, 2015 - Sunday

Show us favor, LORD, show us favor,
for we have our fill of contempt.
Our souls are more than sated
with mockery from the insolent,
with contempt from the arrogant. (Psalm 123: 3-4 NABRE)

These straightforward words of the psalmist are so plain and honest, they are moving. They literally beg God for relief from the humiliation his people are suffering at the hands of the arrogant around them. We need to recognize God's favor in our own lives. We need to see his gentle healing for what it is. And we are wise to listen closely to the words of others around us so that we may know if they are speaking arrogantly, full of self-importance, or if they are speaking words of encouragement and unity. Mockery and contempt, Jesus tells us, are what his followers can expect. But our response to these should be to turn to him for strength, courage, and endurance.

Today, I will confidently ask the Lord for his favor in these days of uncertainty and challenge.

Saint Maria Goretti, whose faith reflected certainty that it is a privilege to be loved by God, and to love him—at any cost, pray for us.

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