Friday, April 17, 2015

April 17, 2015 - Friday

Wait for the LORD, take courage;
be stouthearted, wait for the LORD! (Psalm 27:14 NABRE)

Today's psalm reminds us of one of life's most difficult challenges: We are told to wait for the Lord with courage and determination. How often, when things are at their worst, do we become consumed with anxiety, anger, frustration, or impatience? Such natural responses get in the way of our trusting in God.

There is an old saying that God is never early and never late, but always right on time. The Lord's timing is indeed perfect, but it is not always our timing! When we need help, when we suffer, when we are desperate, of course we want a solution immediately (if not sooner...asking why our problem even had to happen).

Having to wait for God to answer our prayers is one of the biggest reasons people give up on Him. Don't do that! Do not become bitter. Instead, hold on and continue to pray with great confidence! But why, you might ask?

Suffering has benefits for us. As St. Vincent de Paul said, "If we only knew the precious treasure hidden in infirmities, we would receive them with the same joy with which we receive the greatest benefits, and we would bear them without ever complaining or showing signs of weariness." Consider the perspective of many of our revered saints with regard to their own suffering, some of which are collected helpfully at

Today, on this second Friday of the Easter season, I will face my own little sufferings and seek patience, courage, and determination as a path to deeper understanding of the love Jesus has for us.

Saint Benedict Joseph Labre, patron of the homeless, pray for us.

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