Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27, 2015 - Monday

I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me,
just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I will lay down my life for the sheep. (John 10:14-15 NABRE)

Sheep herding is not an occupation familiar to me. Yet, there is something about the relationship Jesus describes between the shepherd and his sheep that resonates deeply in my own experience. He describes a quality of closeness which strengthens the bond between them. They "know" one another and there is trust and sacrifice as a result.

How do relationships become so strong? How does trust grow? Why would one sacrifice for another?

There is something that happens between us when we remain in close proximity over time. We begin to recognize details about each other. We learn to see each other's patterns. We come to know the emotions and expectations, the character and heart of the other. Intimacy grows. We learn the tones of voice and we come to see the subtle nuances of face as the events of life affect us together. We become familiar. We come to "know" one another. And we learn about trust. And we find ourselves sacrificing for the other.

Lord Jesus, you call each of us into close, strong relationship with you. You have sacrificed for us, inverting our innate way of understanding such a thing--unless it is true that you already know us intimately. My friend, I thank you for your sacrifice and I trust in you. As time passes, I am learning about you as you reveal more of yourself to me, your character and heart, your emotions and expectations. Jesus, brother, my good shepherd, speak so that I might always recognize your voice and follow you.

Today, on this fourth Monday of Easter, I will listen for the sound of my shepherd's voice.

Saint Simeon, thought possibly to be Jesus' cousin, pray for us.

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