Friday, April 3, 2015

April 3, 2015 - Friday

Now Simon Peter was standing there keeping warm. And they said to him, “You are not one of his disciples, are you?” He denied it and said, “I am not.”
One of the slaves of the high priest, a relative of the one whose ear Peter had cut off, said, “Didn’t I see you in the garden with him?”
Again Peter denied it. And immediately the cock crowed. (John 18:25-27 NABRE)

Today is Good Friday. Today we take a hard look at the sacrifice Jesus made for us. Today we see our own shortcomings in stark contrast to Jesus' sinless nature. Today, of all days, we recognize our great need of him.

As we pray throughout the day, but especially during the three o'clock hour, we are confronted by the horror of what Jesus endured for us--his lonely, prolonged agony, and we seek to reconcile our casual denials of him--the many ways we, like Peter, sidestep our association with him for fear of inconveniences, losses, or persecutions.

Let us seek the courage backed by wisdom which Jesus displays. Let us avoid the cowardice and fear shown by Peter and the other disciples that day. Let us--not by our own strength, but by the power of God's Holy Spirit--demonstrate to the world that we continue to be the living mystical Body of Christ even today. Let us be his arms that embrace whoever needs the hug. Let us be his mouth with words of comfort, correction, and encouragement for whomever will hear. Let us be his feet, which walk the Way of Sorrow leading us to sacrifice for others before thinking of ourselves. And let us be his heart, which was so full of mercy and compassion for others, obedient to God the Father, even to death on that cross.

Today, on this Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion, I will begin praying a nine-day Divine Mercy Novena, which ends on Easter Saturday, just prior to Divine Mercy Sunday.

Saint Benedict the African, patron of African-Americans, pray for us.

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