Saturday, April 18, 2015

April 18, 2015 - Saturday

Rejoice, you righteous, in the LORD;
praise from the upright is fitting.
Give thanks to the LORD on the harp;
on the ten-stringed lyre offer praise. (Psalm 33:1-2 NABRE)

Rejoice--be glad, feel happiness, experience joy. Do it in the Lord. To be "in" anything is to be included as part of that something. So to do anything "in the Lord" suggests something profound about our call to relationship with God. Each of us is called to joy as a member of and because of God and his creation.

Give thanks and offer praise with music! Isn't music one of the ways all mankind celebrates? We sing and dance, we play instruments and can even find ourselves transformed by sound as we do. It is in these moments that I believe we may glimpse a little bit of heaven's depth and character, fleetingly and incompletely, but it is there nonetheless.

As God's people, this is what we are told to do! Raise our awareness of God's greatness and wonder by singing thanks and praise to him with joy in our hearts, regardless of circumstances. Saint Paul teaches us this as well, from a Roman prison, as he reminds us to, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice!"

Today, on this second Saturday of the Easter season, I will sing my thanks to God with great joy!

Blessed James Oldo, led to build up treasures in heaven and to build God's realm on earth, pray for us.

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