Thursday, April 9, 2015

April 9, 2015 - Thursday

This is the day the LORD has made;
let us rejoice in it and be glad. (Psalm 118:24 NABRE)

Put aside whatever concerns you. Dwell for just a moment, the span of a few breaths, on this truth: That this day was MADE. This moment was made. It was made for you--made for you to experience it. And the creator of this very moment, in his Word, tells you to rejoice in it. You are told to be glad.

Lord God, let me experience the great joy and delight you intend for this moment. Ease my heart so that I may know the gladness you call me to right now. Remind me, as the risen Jesus reminded his disciples that I live this very moment in your presence, Lord, and that you have not left me alone. And Lord, help me through this moment, the span of these breaths I am taking, so that I might know you deeper, draw closer to your heart of mercy, and share your love with others.

Today, on this Easter Thursday, I will continue to pray the Divine Mercy Novena (Day 7).

Saint Casilda, who lived a quiet, simple life of service to her Creator—first as a Muslim, then as a Christian, pray for us.

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