Saturday, April 4, 2015

April 4, 2015 - Saturday

Our soul waits for the LORD,
he is our help and shield.
For in him our hearts rejoice;
in his holy name we trust.
May your mercy, LORD, be upon us;
as we put our hope in you. (Psalm 33:20-22 NABRE)

MY soul waits for the LORD - The part of me that is not physical, the part of me that can know the Lord, waits for him to be present to me in his Spirit.

He is MY help and shield - When I encounter his Holy Spirit, especially during difficult moments, he helps me understand, he helps me act, he helps me speak, and he protects my spirit, my soul, from the damaging influences of this earthly life.

For in him MY heart rejoices - My heart, my spirit, celebrates my moments of encounter with the Lord despite and in any physical circumstances.

In his holy name I trust - For me as a Christian, the name Jesus, the actual name, His name, is worthy of my trust; and when I act, when I pray, when I speak in his name, putting aside myself entirely, I trust confidently that my actions are conformed to his will.

May your mercy, LORD, be upon ME - So often I forget to put myself aside, and for all of these times, Lord, I ask that you shower me with your mercy and not your just judgment.

As I put MY hope in you - And I put all of my hope in you, as a traveller here in this earthly place, certain there is truth in your promise and salvation for those of us who put our faith in you.

Jesus, I trust in you.

Today, on this Holy Saturday, I will attend the Easter Vigil in the holy night of Easter.

Saint Isidore of Seville, whose life teaches us that loving, understanding and knowledge can heal and bring a broken people back together, pray for us.

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