Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April 1, 2015 - Wednesday

“See, you lowly ones, and be glad;
you who seek God, take heart!
For the LORD hears the poor,
and does not spurn those in bondage.
Let the heaven and the earth praise him,
the seas and whatever moves in them!” (Psalm 69:33-35 NABRE)

Jesus understands the greatest depths of our suffering, humility, isolation, loss and pain. He suffered and died for us, an innocent man who paid a terrible price for us, ransoming his life, to restore our chance to have a relationship with God.

And today's psalm tells us that the Lord welcomes everyone who seeks him. There is no exclusion! It does not matter how lowly or poor or alone you are, He knows and understands your suffering and hears you calling out from your heart. He does not reject anyone enslaved by the bondage of this life in any of its forms.

Lord, I praise you! I join with the seas and whatever moves in them in praise of you. May my life bring glory to you, Lord, as I seek you before all things. I take heart knowing that you understand me, even when I can't understand myself. Thank you for patiently teaching me about myself. Thank you for freedom from the tyrany of your enemy who seeks only to keep me from you. Thank you for guarding me at my moments of greatest need.

Today, I will be grateful because God understands our suffering and responds to our cries.

Saint Hugh of Grenoble, who was an effective Church reformer known for his devotion to the Church and his strong character, pray for us.

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