Monday, April 6, 2015

April 6, 2015 - Monday

God raised this Jesus; of this we are all witnesses. (Acts 2:32 NABRE)

Remember Peter--the fear-filled coward who denied he even knew his best friend? Flash-forward about two months and look at the change in him! The terrified fisherman who once swore, "I do not know the man," (Matthew 26:69-75) is now able to speak with authority and fearlessness. He finally admits publicly what he knows, in simple clear terms for all to hear. His bold proclamation to a crowd of devout Jews who had gathered in Jerusalem for Pentecost marks a turning point for Peter, and indeed for all who saw, touched, spoke to, and ate with the risen Jesus.

But what changed? What happened to Peter to cause him to make what must have seemed such an outrageous statement? As we are told, he had just been filled with God's own Holy Spirit, the same Spirit which filled Jesus during his life, and which He promised to share with his disciples. And so, His still tiny Church began to preach to others about Jesus. The truth of what happened to Jesus of Nazareth begins to spread by the courageous words of Peter. Jesus' infant Church, still insignificant in number, begins its mission to proclaim the good news of the savior of the world when the fisherman becomes the witness!

Lord Jesus, we celebrate your resurrection! Your Spirit lives on in us and we continue our mission even today. As salvation history continues to unfold one minute at a time, I ask your continued mercy and protection on all who bear witness to your real presence, and I thank you for your Spirit of Holiness which you have placed within me as my guide.

Today, on this Easter Monday, I will continue to pray the Divine Mercy Novena (Day 4).

Saint Crescentia Hoess, recognized for your wisdom and virtue, pray for us.

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