Monday, June 1, 2015

June 1, 2015 - Monday

Blessed is the man who does not walk
in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the way of sinners,
nor sit in company with scoffers.
Rather, the law of the LORD is his joy;
and on his law he meditates day and night. (Psalm 1:1-2 NABRE)

There is something so straightforward about the beginning of the Psalms that its great value might be overlooked in a casual reading. Seeking to avoid a life of wickedness, sinfulness, and skepticism is something many people do because they believe it is the right way to live.

But the eternal value in this passage is most likely found where the joy is found. Each of us is invited to meditate day and night on the law of the Lord. The law of the Lord is understood to be either the Torah, the first five books of the Bible, or, more probably, divine teaching or instruction.* In any case, there is a gift here in the reminder to meditate on God's Word at all times, to learn from them, and to listen to instruction in their meaning.

There is a promise to each of us in these words. Meditation on God's Word, combined with good life choices, leads to joy and blessing. Joy and blessings do not depend on circumstances, but they are available to us in every moment we choose.

Today, I will welcome God's blessings and allow myself to experience the joy of trying to live by God's law.

Saint Justin, patron of philosophers, pray for us.

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