Friday, June 5, 2015

June 5, 2015 - Friday

Tobiah used both hands to peel the white scales from the corners of his eyes. Tobit saw his son and threw his arms around him.
Weeping, he exclaimed, “I can see you, son, the light of my eyes!” Then he prayed,
“Blessed be God,
blessed be his great name,
and blessed be all his holy angels.
May his great name be with us,
and blessed be all the angels throughout all the ages. (Tobit 11:13-14 NABRE)

Tobit had been blind for four years and in today's verse we see his son, Tobiah, restore his sight by doing what he was taught to do by the Lord's angel. While the story may be fictional, doesn't it suggest so much about how many of us come back to faith in God?

There are times in our lives when we are blinded to God's presence in our lives. We simply cannot see him. We wander around, day in and day out, leaning on other people or on our own effort because we are unable to see him.

And we are fortunate if we have a Tobiah in our lives, someone to pray for us, someone to talk to us, someone to remind us that God is with us in each moment. Friend, the one true God, creator and cause of all the universe, is with you in this moment! He wants you to know him!

May this reminder peel away the scales from your heart so that you might regain your sight and bless the Lord as Tobit did.

Today, I will stay aware of the spiritual blindness of so many people, and I will make myself available to do what I am taught by the Lord's Spirit so that they might see again.

Saint Boniface, who took on the painful, thankless, bewildering task of Church reform in eighth-century Germany, pray for us.

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