Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June 9, 2015 - Tuesday

Steady my feet in accord with your promise;
do not let iniquity lead me. (Psalm 119:133 NABRE)

Psalm 119 is fascinated with God’s word directing and guiding human life. It is written as an acrostic poem with stanzas in the order of the Hebrew alphabet. Each of its 176 verses contains one of nine words for “instruction.” The nine words for “instruction” in the translation are: law, statute, commandment, precept, testimony, word, judgment, way, and promise.*

God offers us guidance and instruction. We are wise when we ask him to steady our feet and to keep us from being led into immoral behavior. As the snares of evil surround us, we need to keep God's instruction always in mind.

Today, I will listen for God's instruction, confident in his guidance.

Saint Ephram, fourth-century poet, teacher, orator and defender of the faith, pray for us.

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