Sunday, June 21, 2015

June 21, 2015 - Sunday

In their distress they cried to the LORD,
who brought them out of their peril;
He hushed the storm to silence,
the waves of the sea were stilled.
They rejoiced that the sea grew calm,
that God brought them to the harbor they longed for. (Psalm 107:28-30 NABRE)

If you've ever been on a boat tossed by stormy seas, you remember the fear and worry, the nausea and cold, the darkness and persistent threat of capsizing. Perilous circumstances have a way of reminding us how small and helpless we really are.

When we are in distress caused by the storms of life, let us never forget to cry to the Lord. Let us never forget that he can bring us out of our peril, he can hush our storm to silence and still the waves that toss us so effortlessly, he can calm the sea and bring us to the safety of a calm harbor.

Read Job chapter 38 for a really clear reminder of what God can do and what we can do!

Today, I will remember God's great power and be grateful that he brings me through my own life's perils.

Saint Joseph, foster father of Jesus and husband of Mary, pray for us.
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, patron of teenagers and youth, pray for us.

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