Friday, June 19, 2015

June 19, 2015 - Friday

I sought the LORD, and he answered me,
delivered me from all my fears.
Look to him and be radiant,
and your faces may not blush for shame.
This poor one cried out and the LORD heard,
and from all his distress he saved him. (Psalm 34:5-7 NABRE)

Unfortunately, the only way each of us truly learns about fear, shame, poverty, and distress is to suffer through them. For example, look at the unimaginable suffering Saint Paul endured during his life for the sake of his witness to Jesus (2 Corinthians 11:23-28). And today's verse, which describes King David while pretending to be insane so he might survive while in the presence of his adversary.

These two, and many others, are amazing, wonderful examples of people finding their strength in God during times of greatest struggle. When even life itself was on the line, David sought the Lord, he looked to him, and he cried out to him for help.

And the good news for us is that God answers us! God delivered David from all his fears, removed all of his shame, and saved him from an incredibly dire situation.

In our own suffering, in the midst of threats to our witness for Jesus, when we see that it is not our fight to win, we turn to God, in all humility and fully confident in his answer, and we ask him to save us, to hold us up, to carry us through our trial.

When our lives themselves are witnesses to God, we become targets for evil. And it is when we realize this, we see that the battle is God's to fight. God will sustain the sacramental marriage. God alone can repair our broken trust. It is God who gives us words of love and healing when there are only anger and frustration in our hearts. He knows our suffering for his sake and he is with us in the midst of it. That's right. Jesus, who knows suffering and betrayal better than anyone, suffers with us. He stands with us in our shame. He cries with us in our desolation. He aches with us in every moment of distress. He never leaves us. So, we only need to turn to him and ask for his help.

Today, I will seek the Lord who saves me from my own distress, shame, and fear.

Saint Romuald, who challenges us by the absoluteness of your dedication, vigor spirit, and the depth of conversion, pray for us.

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