Wednesday, January 13, 2016

January 13, 2016 - Wednesday

Blessed the man who sets
his security in the LORD,
who turns not to the arrogant
or to those who stray after falsehood.
You, yes you, O LORD, my God,
have done many wondrous deeds!
And in your plans for us
there is none to equal you.
Should I wish to declare or tell them,
too many are they to recount. (Psalm 40:5-6 NABRE)

This is a great day to read the words of the Psalmist without distraction. Let them speak to you. Let them enter into the particular needs of your heart at this moment. Pray them.

Today, I will recall the many wonderful deeds God has done just for me and how great his plans are for me--even beyond the plans I have for myself!

Saint Hilary, bishop and fourth-century defender of the divinity of Christ, pray for us.

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