Wednesday, January 27, 2016

January 27, 2016 - Wednesday

These are the ones on the path where the word is sown. As soon as they hear, Satan comes at once and takes away the word sown in them.
And these are the ones sown on rocky ground who, when they hear the word, receive it at once with joy. But they have no root; they last only for a time. Then when tribulation or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away.
Those sown among thorns are another sort. They are the people who hear the word, but worldly anxiety, the lure of riches, and the craving for other things intrude and choke the word, and it bears no fruit. (Mark 4:15-19 NABRE)

For each of us familiar with the story of Jesus Christ, there came a moment when we first realized we believed it, or not. We had weighed the evidence--comparing the stories with our own experiences--and landed on a conclusion. We tend to believe it is all our choice. It is not.

In Jesus' own words, as he explained one of his parables to his closest friends, we see there are a number of outside influences on our faith. In all cases, these are harmful influences which rob us of simple faith and the fruitful life it brings.

May we never become so sophisticated and cynical that we dismiss God's truth in favor of a false truth provided by Satan to mislead us. May we never lose our joy when we have to endure difficult times because of our faith. And may we never worry about or desire any worldly thing enough that it blocks our belief in Jesus or diminishes our enthusiasm for sharing our faith with others.

Today, I will pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for an increase in simple witnessing to the countless graces which God gives each of us.

Saint Angela Merici, who once said, "If according to times and needs you should be obliged to make fresh rules and change certain things, do it with prudence and good advice," pray for us.

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