Thursday, January 21, 2016

January 21, 2016 - Thursday

My wanderings you have noted;
are my tears not stored in your flask,
recorded in your book? (Psalm 56:9 NABRE)

Today's verse is a unique saying in the Old Testament. The context suggests that the tears are saved because they are precious; God puts a high value on each of the psalmist’s troubles.*

Lord God, you put a high value on each of my troubles. You take note of all my wanderings and I know you think about me. You have given me your Spirit. I ask you for your continued protection, your generous providence, and your unfathomable mercy so that I might live today as an example of your love and compassion on all I encounter.

Today, I will begin preparation to take up Pope Francis' challenge to live in solidarity with the poor.

Saint Agnes, patroness of girls, pray for us.

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