Saturday, January 23, 2016

January 23, 2016 - Saturday

LORD of hosts,
how long will you smolder in anger
while your people pray?
You have fed them [us]* the bread of tears,
made them drink tears in great measure. (Psalm 80:5-6 NABRE)

*Both the Septuagint and the Vulgate translate this verse in the first person, i.e., “You have fed us the bread of tears.”

Even God's chosen people suffer in this life. The Psalmist, Asaph, it appears, included himself in the suffering people of God. We, likewise, include ourselves. We suffer in tears and we pray for relief. We try to remain faithful often through bitter, unjust pain. And we ask terrible questions of God: How long, Lord, will you stay angry with us despite our prayers?! We know you are angry with us and desire your mercy. We join with Asaph, O God of hosts, asking you to restore us; light up your face and we shall be saved. (Psalm 80:8)

Today, I will join with many others praying for an end to all domestic violence.

Saint Marianne Cope, who ministered generously to those with leprosy in 19th-century Hawaii, pray for us.

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