Thursday, January 7, 2016

January 7, 2016 - Thursday

O God, give your judgment to the king;
your justice to the king’s son;
That he may govern your people with justice,
your oppressed with right judgment. (Psalm 72:1 NABRE)

Leadership is more than just being organized and able to manage resources to ever-improving end results. As this wish for the then-prince, Solomon, suggests, leadership is about good judgment and the application of justice in frequently ambiguous circumstances.

Lord, thank you for the great honor of leadership and the chance to speak your wisdom into the moments of each day, however imperfectly I may do that. Show me a little more each day how to use your good judgment in the events I share with those around me, and to consider what just response you would expect of me to each of life's questions.

Today, I will wonder at the many chances we each have for daily leadership.

Saint Raymond of Peñafort, patron of attorneys and lawyers, pray for us.

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