Friday, January 15, 2016

January 15, 2016 - Friday

A great prophet has arisen in our midst, and God has visited his people. (Luke 7:16b NABRE)

This is the reaction of people who witnessed Jesus raise a young man from the dead. Circumstances aside, this was near the beginning of his public ministry, and people recognized him as special, as God's prophet, even more, as God visiting his people!

Lord Jesus, you took pity on this man's widowed mother as she brought him to be buried. Your presence among us as a man makes it easy to forget you are also God, and are not bound by death as we are. Lord, thank you for your compassion for us, for me. Thank you for your great mercy and for your redeeming act of love on the cross of Calvary. Thank you for passing first through death into life so that we may follow you on that same path when it is our time.

Today, I will recall Jesus' power over death itself.

Saint Paul the Hermit, whose life reminds us to respond to God's call on our lives regardless of the outcomes, pray for us.

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