Friday, January 22, 2016

January 22, 2016 - Friday

Have mercy on me, God,
have mercy on me.
In you I seek refuge.
In the shadow of your wings I seek refuge
till harm pass by. (Psalm 57:2 NABRE)

Recently, I have become increasingly aware of my own personal, desperate need for God's mercy. How it is by his mercy alone that my life unfolds as it does, how it is by his mercy alone that I know his companionship, how it is by his mercy alone that I find refuge from harm. And most importantly, how it is by his mercy alone that I am able to amend the areas of my life where I fall short of his desires, defined by moments when I treat others badly and honor myself above anything else.

Thank you, Lord God, for your great mercy. During this Jubilee Year of Divine Mercy, I ask that you continue to bless me with undeserved compassion, the grace of insight, and the strength to change myself. May I find new ways to share your compassion with others so they might also come to know your unfathomable Divine Mercy.

Today, on this Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children, I will join with all who march for life by fasting and praying the rosary.

Saint Vincent of Zaragossa, whose martyrdom reminds us that by human power alone no one can remain faithful, pray for us.

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