Friday, January 8, 2016

January 8, 2016 - Friday

The report about him spread all the more, and great crowds assembled to listen to him and to be cured of their ailments, but he would withdraw to deserted places to pray. (Luke 5:15-16 NABRE)

Word got out about Jesus curing a man with a skin disease, and in their desire for all sorts of cures, people began to assemble. They came to listen to him, but they also came to have their ailments healed. I can imagine the business bordering on chaos. Crowds of people all around, noise so loud he would have had to raise his voice just to be heard by those closest to him. All that humanity and its nature can bring to such a situation.

And look what Jesus does, he withdrew to deserted places. Clearly, this went on for some time and Jesus made time for prayer in the midst of his busy days. Let us look at our daily routines and see if there are a few times each day when we can insert a little prayer time.

Today, I will make time to pray throughout the day.

Saint Angela of Foligno, whose realization that you were priceless because you were created and loved by God led you to become penitential and charitable to the poor, pray for us.

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