Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 31, 2015 - Tuesday

God, you have taught me from my youth;
to this day I proclaim your wondrous deeds. (Psalm 71:17 NABRE)

If you had asked me 468 days ago if I would be a blogger today, I would have laughed! If you had asked me if my blog would focus on my daily prayers, I would have called you crazy. And if you had asked me if I had anything more important to share, I guess I might have admitted that, no, I don't.

And so today, look where the Lord has led us together. Sharing a short verse of sacred scripture each day, meditating on some bit of it, relating it to our day, and even seeing the great models we have in the saints who have walked a holy path before us!

No, I never expected to be proclaiming the wondrous deeds of God for the world, but I guess that's just what I do here. Perhaps it is because the Lord has been a constant companion of mine for more than half a century now. I've had enough proof for ten lifetimes that he is always there for us if we will just stop putting our limits on him!

Seek him in peace. Look for him in quiet places of your own making. Call to him and he will answer if you will just stop demanding! Well, at least that's the only success I've ever had! I pray in the chaos. I pray in the silence. But I'm listening, rather than talking, when I'm praying my best.

Today, I will recall the many times in my youth when God taught me.

Saint Stephen of Mar Saba, who owned nothing and lacked nothing, pray for us.

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