Saturday, February 13, 2016

February 13, 2016 - Saturday

Teach me, LORD, your way
that I may walk in your truth,
single-hearted and revering your name. (Psalm 86:11 NABRE)

During Lent, we encounter many passages from God's word which are either instructive or condemning, many verses which make us uncomfortable--if we really think about them--and even have the power to spur us to action.

Today's verse, however, does none of these things. Today's verse, words of a king, are a simple and humble plea to God. In these words, David acknowledges his own personal need for God's instruction. May we put aside any arrogance we might have and adopt this same humility.

And with David, may we pursue God's way, God's truth, and God's presence in our day.

Today, on this Saturday after Ash Wednesday, I will examine my own heart for arrogance, asking God to replace it with humility before him, and an openness to his instruction.

Saint Giles Mary of St. Joseph, who had a healthy sense of his own sinfulness—not paralyzing but not superficial either, pray for us.

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