Thursday, February 18, 2016

February 18, 2016 - Thursday

The LORD is with me to the end.
LORD, your mercy endures forever.
Never forsake the work of your hands! (Psalm 138:8 NABRE)

The psalmist, having experienced salvation, trusts that God will always be there in moments of danger.* Each one of us is a work of God's hands. His mercy is unfathomable and he never turns his gaze away from us. May we trust that he is with us at all times, especially at times of greatest difficulty and challenge, and times when we do not sense his presence. May our faith in his promise carry us through such times to see the fulfillment of the promise.

Today, I will ask the Lord to be with me in my moments of danger.

Blessed John of Fiesole, known as Fra Angelico, patron of Christian artists, pray for us.

The Virgin of the Annunciation - Fra Angelico

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