Friday, February 26, 2016

February 26, 2016 - Friday

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. (John 3:16 NABRE)

When we accept the fundamental truths of faith, we find ourselves poised to move forward in a new direction. When we place our trust in the Lord, we begin to experience the physical world in the light of God's involvement with it.

And once we do those things, we begin to grow in the wisdom which is rooted in faith, we begin to seek a deeper connection with God through his Spirit, and we begin to show signs of our own personal development in the Spirit.

And all of this is possible because God the Father sent his only Son, Jesus, as our redeemer, and then sent us the Holy Spirit who remains with us as a continuing presence among us until Jesus returns. May we all demonstrate the Fruit of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.

Today, on this Friday of the Second Week of Lent, I will seek greater self control through fasting and abstinence.

Saint Maria Bertilla Boscardin, who died in 1922 and for whom rejection, ridicule and disappointment were trials which brought you closer to God and more determined to serve him, pray for us.

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