Friday, June 10, 2016

June 10, 2016 - Friday

Hear my voice, LORD, when I call;
have mercy on me and answer me.
“Come,” says my heart, “seek his face”;
your face, LORD, do I seek!
Do not hide your face from me;
do not repel your servant in anger.
You are my salvation; do not cast me off;
do not forsake me, God my savior!
Even if my father and mother forsake me,
the LORD will take me in. (Psalm 27:7-10 NABRE)

Read how King David pleads with God! He knows he desperately needs God's help in times of trouble. And he asks for it.

Notice David's total confidence in God! He understands that the Lord is more reliable than his own parents. And he sings of his trust in God.

Today, I will ask boldly for God's help and I will expect confidently his response.

Blessed Joachima, known and admired for your high degree of prayer, deep trust in God, and selfless charity, pray for us.

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