Monday, June 20, 2016

June 20, 2016 - Monday

“Stop judging, that you may not be judged.
For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you. (Matthew 7:1-2 NABRE)

O Lord God, it seems impossible for us to do your will! You asked only one thing of Adam and Eve, yet they disobeyed. You asked the people of Israel to follow the law, yet they couldn't do that. You sent your only Son, Jesus, to fix our relationship with you and in our lifetime you're still asking us to listen to him and to put our faith in him, yet so many of us who hear of him turn away. 

Lord God, this life is difficult and our struggles and many temptations draw us away from you even when we choose to focus on you every day. And we get tired, so very tired of failing. We forget that you don't ask us to keep trying and failing! We forget that you ask us to trust in you, to remember that your strength is true strength.

For my part, Lord, I too often forget to thank you for the endless blessings in my life, or to offer my sufferings and setbacks for others as Jesus did. Too often, I forget to seek out new ways to live your will. 

O God, when will we remember to seek first your kingdom? Please enliven our hearts by your Spirit so that we will turn them back to you every day, acknowledge our difficulties and weaknesses when it comes to keeping focus on you, and act with all love and compassion for everyone we encounter each day simply because that's what you want us to do.

Today, I will pray, "Thank you, Jesus." at every empty mental moment during the day.

Saint Paulinus of Nola, whose life reminds us to stay devoted to Christ and his work throughout our entire life, pray for us.

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