Friday, June 17, 2016

June 17, 2016 - Friday

But store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be. (Matthew 6:21-22 NABRE)

Let me get brutally honest: I'm not always sure where I place my trust. Sometimes I rely on wealth accumulation, convinced that I will always need more. I become afraid that less money will somehow deprive me of the means to survive (or some such undefined worry)--as if that should be my first measure of where to place my trust! And I act based on my fear rather than my trust in God's provision.

Lord Jesus, let courage keep me from the fear of going without. Let me act first to promote the will of the Father. And let me store up treasures in heaven which can never be destroyed. I desire that my heart be perfectly aligned with yours. Lord Jesus, thank you for sharing your very Spirit with me. May I grow in fortitude sufficient to release me from my fear of poverty, so that I might overcome an excessive focus on worldly treasure and become increasingly generous instead.

Today, I will ask for the gift of fortitude in the face of my personal fear, which may allow a greater florishing of the fruit of the Spirit, generosity.

Saint Joseph Cafasso, patron of prisoners, pray for us.

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